Sycnronization Problems

Synchronize your Outlook on two or more machines. OLFolderSync works in the background through e-mail and can be password protected. OLFolderSync does not require a server.
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Sycnronization Problems

Post by Canadian »


I have been having difficulty getting OLFolderSync to syncronize on 2 computers.

The OLFolderSync emails are being sent back and forth, however, they are not being added.

Computer 1 is a desktop. (Office 2003)

Computer 2 is a notebook. (Office 2007)

Computer 1 receives and adds items to the calendar.

Computer 2 receives items, but does not add them to the calander.

The share calendar names are the same, and settings are the same on both computers. It was working fine until about 2 weeks ago and then it just stopped for no reason.

Can you provide some insight into this problem?

Version is 1.28. How can I update to the new version? I would assume that these updates are free of charge?

Thank you.
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Re: Sycnronization Problems

Post by Sven »


I have no idea what this can be. But have you moved the synchronized folders or have you delete them. If so, it can be that the deleted folder is referenced from olfoldersync. Please takte a look in the registry on HKCU/Software/Somebytes/OLFolderSync/Folders here you should have key as you have synchronized folders. If not, please delete them and make a new konfiguration.

Also you can have the newesr version, please write me a mail with your registerdatas, and i will sent the infomation to download the newest version back to you.

sven ilius
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