Reverting tasks

Synchronize your Outlook on two or more machines. OLFolderSync works in the background through e-mail and can be password protected. OLFolderSync does not require a server.
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Reverting tasks

Post by JosSchaars »

Since some time when a task is modified at one PC, it isn't updated on the other PC.
Moreover after a period the task at the first PC is reverted back to the original one.
I suspect OLFOoldersync sending the original task back from the second PC, but can't
find anything strange in the settings of either PC's.
Can it be that OLFoldersync is in some mode to do a basic synchronisation from the second PC?
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Re: Reverting tasks

Post by Sven »

Hy, no there is no such mode implemented. It coul'd be that the pc has onother AddIn which is modifying the items. I havent had this befor but i can try it in the next days with some different scenarios. By the way, have you seen that thare is Version 1.30 since yesterday availible ?
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Re: Reverting tasks

Post by JosSchaars »

Thanks for your reply, as I could see the following happens:

1. Task is modifeid at PC1
2. It is sent to PC2
3. It is received by PC2, but there the orginal task isn't updated, instead that one is sent to PC1
4. PC1 receives that original task and the modified one is reverted back to its orginal state.

Because conflict resultion is set and nothing is reported, it has to be that
PC1 sends: old task=original task, new task=modified task
PC2 sends: old task=modified task, new task=original task

I monitored the inbox of PC1 at the provider and saw incoming OLFolderSync messages, with and w/o
timestamp from PC2 while no one was working at PC2 and I only had done some testing with modyfing
tasks at PC1.

I had MailAlert installed on both PC's, will check out if it is realy deactivated at PC2 and not only set at
not showing desktopmessages (it had an option set to delay displaying so OLFolderSync could get
processed and didn't show up).

Did see that there is a new version, but is there any documentation of the changes?
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Re: Reverting tasks

Post by JosSchaars »

De-installed MailAlert and TeamLink, after that OLFolderSync wouldn't start and Outlook
requested for the installation disk (english.msi).
So I downloaded the new 1.30 version and installed it. OLFolderSync is still reported to be
version 1.29 and the message "Trial periode is expired" (or something alike) is shown.
How to proceed?
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Re: Reverting tasks

Post by Sven »

The best way is, to deinstall old version. 1.29 and install 1.30. It can be that there was a running outlook.exe in the background on your last installation.
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Re: Reverting tasks

Post by Sven »

JosSchaars wrote:
Did see that there is a new version, but is there any documentation of the changes?
You will see the changes here:

(I will create the entry now)
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Re: Reverting tasks

Post by JosSchaars »

As adviced, I deinstalled OLFolderSync version 1.29, but I still get the message
Sorry, but the testing periode is over now...
How to install version 1.30?

Also saw an entry of Canadian with somewhat the same problem, mine also appeared some two weeks ago.
But the emails "bounced" back with the original data.
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Re: Reverting tasks

Post by Sven »


You have to install the Version from the link you have got from shareIt. If you don't have it please email me.

bye Sven
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