ExMixedFolders 1.35
ExMixedFolders 1.35
NEW: I added a new task, which can now import CSV or Excel files into Exchange folders.
Re: ExMixedFolders 1.35.21
- CSV and Excel Import performance improvements as well as bugfixes.
- Improved "OnlyFutureItems" function.
- Meetings can copied as Appointments
- Errornotification as eMail.
- License informations for enterprise improved
- Setup improved.
- Improved powershell logging
- BuildTaskGroupByMember improved.
- Bugfix: Embedded Appointments could not been synced with Exchange 2007
- Folderoverview now as webserver.
- Errorfallback improved.
- Improved "OnlyFutureItems" function.
- Meetings can copied as Appointments
- Errornotification as eMail.
- License informations for enterprise improved
- Setup improved.
- Improved powershell logging
- BuildTaskGroupByMember improved.
- Bugfix: Embedded Appointments could not been synced with Exchange 2007
- Folderoverview now as webserver.
- Errorfallback improved.
Re: ExMixedFolders 1.35.23
Bugfix: In case of migration, ExMixedFolders has duplicated some meetings, because it has not detected the type of the subfolders correctly.
Bugfix: In HTML view "changes/h" was all the time 0.
Bugfix: In HTML view "changes/h" was all the time 0.
Re: ExMixedFolders 1.35.30
BugFix: Improved configurator: It was frozen after you selected a not working or not existing server.
BugFix: Appointments in 2007 or 2010 could not been deleted.
BugFix: Appointments in 2007 or 2010 could not been deleted.

Re: ExMixedFolders 1.35.33
Workaround: In Office365 we have a new issue, it tells following error updaterequests:
since this version, ExMixedFolders will test it for one item and after it fails it will use a fallback function for all subsequent requests.
New: If you open http://localhost:12358/performance you will see now some new performance-counters, which you can use as well from the windows performance-monitor.
Code: Select all
ErrorInternalServerError: An internal server error occurred. The operation failed., Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.Exchange.Data.StoreObjects.PropertyError' to type 'System.Byte[]'
New: If you open http://localhost:12358/performance you will see now some new performance-counters, which you can use as well from the windows performance-monitor.
Re: ExMixedFolders 1.35.35
- BugFix: MeetingRequests (Mail) in Exchange 2007 could not been synced. Now it's possible to sync it as normal eMail. ( It's not possible to change the MessageClass from EWS )
- New: Performanceimprovements in Mirrormode (red arrow) if you sync from one folder to many.
- New: Performanceimprovements in Mirrormode (red arrow) if you sync from one folder to many.
Re: ExMixedFolders 1.35.42
BugFix:CSV Import improved. Items were not overwritten correctly.
Re: ExMixedFolders 1.35.43
Moved some settings to C:\ProgramData\ExMixedFolders\Settings.conf which makes it possible to have different settings for each of your configured tenants.
Here you can find the description: https://www.somebytes.net/en/products/e ... tings.conf
Here you can find the description: https://www.somebytes.net/en/products/e ... tings.conf
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExSettings xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
Re: ExMixedFolders 1.35.44
A function that already existed in the configuration file, I have now put into the Configurator. It's about limiting the synchronization time. So if you just want to sync items from the last 3 weeks, then it's now possible. The program checks the start time on appointments and on other elements it looks for the LastModificationTime.