i try to configure ExMixedFolders but i cannot come not over the configuration errors.
the EWS connection works, the logfile shows no errors and it says "EWSconn1 connected". i had to allow "non-ssl" connections over http to the EWS site. i am using exchange 2007 sp2.
when i try to add a sync job i cannot configure a folder because it says "exchange server cannot be contacted" - i use the german version so "Der Exchangeserver konnte nicht kontaktiert werden". there are no additional entries in the logfile.
i want to use the 1 free licence, no additional licenses now, i will buy/add them as soon as it works.
how can i find a solution?
Configuration Errors
Re: Configuration Errors
Please try first to open these url in your browser to check if there is a EWS behind.
Re: Configuration Errors
i tried this first and after confirming the certificate warning i receive the xml document from https://myexchangeserver/ews/Services.wsdl
Re: Configuration Errors
Yes, that's correct. Please try to connect yourself or the user you want to use with ExMixedFolders on https://yourexchangeserver/owa. If this will work, the ExMixedFolders login should work to.
Re: Configuration Errors
i checked this before of courese. the exchange server is working and the user i want to use for ExMixedFolders can access his webaccess on http://myexchangeserver/OWA without any issues.
that was my starting point when i decided to open a topic here
that was my starting point when i decided to open a topic here

Re: Configuration Errors
also https://... of course
Re: Configuration Errors
Would it be possible to connect to your computer by a remotecontrol software? May be I can find something.
Re: Configuration Errors
yes, that's possible and i would apreciate that. if the solution works we have several clients where we want to offer this. i want to wait a few hours till the blackberry server is finished, then we can fully prove the funcionality. can i send you a message then?
Re: Configuration Errors
Yes, please. Here are my data http://www.somebytes.net/24-1-AboutUs.html.