Processing attachments from a sub folder

The Exchange service EEAttachments can save your attachments or mails automatically to your file-system and process it by your own scripts.
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Processing attachments from a sub folder

Post by justin.jones »


We have a server side exchange rule set up to rule copy any new emails into a sub folder of Inbox. The EEAttachments tool is then set up to process these and delete on processing. A batch job is called which is passed over the filename using the Argument %filename% and that batch job calls a .net component and then deletes the file. The final step of the batch file is to delete the attachments before the 'exit' commend is run.

We have two problems:

1. This folder is being processed around every 30 minutes. However when I manually copy the files into the folder they are run immediately. Where is this 30 minute schedule set and how can I get it to run immediately?
2. When there is more than 1 email to process, not all the processes complete and I am left with a number of cmd.exe and conhost.exe processes running. I am also left with the attachment. The problem is that it seems that if say there are 4 emails, the first one processes (with an attachment name of ATT00001.xml) and that completes and gets deleted, but the others are created (as ATT0001_1.xml, ATT0001_2.xml, ATT0001_3.xml) and do not complete. Strangely though, sometimes another process is created which extracts and does not rename the attachment and that one also completes)

I think if we can get 1 resolved this will also sort out 2 but it would be good to understand why the process is not completing.

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Re: Processing attachments from a sub folder

Post by Sven »

Hello Justin,

Please can you send me a logfile from EEAttachments after it has processed some elements. I will check it. May be it has something to do with the rule for moving it into the subdirectory.

If the your process does not return, it can be that EEAttachments will stop its work. There is no timeout at the moment.

(You can send the log to
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Re: Processing attachments from a sub folder

Post by justin.jones »


Thanks for getting back to me. Since posting the question I moved all my old emails out of the inbox and started processing them again from the inbox as they came in (taking a copy first into an archive folder using server side exchange rules again). The emails are now being processed as they come in which is solving the second point in my query.

I have sent you logs from now even though they are processing from the inbox as the actual text returned was exactly the same. Not sure if you will see anything from that though.

It does seem strange that they waited 30 minutes but perhaps this is something like a Exchange server thing.

Thanks for replying anyway.

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